There are many ways you can help us. The contribution of your time and/or money can go a long way at helping us reduce the population of homeless cats in our community. Here are just a few ways that you can help:
- Become a foster home for young, orphaned kittens
- Donate money to help cover the cost of providing veterinary care to our kitties
- Purchase e-gift cards to, Petco or PetSmart for us to buy food and supplies
- Provide pro bono legal, accounting or marketing assistance
- Donate goods or services for raffles and other fundraising efforts
Donate online
Your tax-deductible donation can be made anytime via PayPal. You can select a one-time or recurring donation.
Donate through Venmo
Your tax-deductible donation can be made anytime through Venmo.
Shop AmazonSmile
When you shop at and select "Connies Kittens" as your charity, you'll find the same low prices, selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Connie's Kittens.
Buy wish list items
Our Amazon Wish List contains food, supplies and toys that we use daily to keep our kitties healthy and happy. We have already selected our most-needed and favorite products. All you have to do is add them to your cart and they will be shipped directly to us!
Purchase pet supplies from
Purchase pet supplies from and they will donate $20 to us for each first-time customer (one per household). No minimum order required!
Donate via Goodworld
Make an instant donation through a tweet or Facebook comment. Easily share your generosity with your social network and inspire others to give. Register once to instantly give to thousands of great causes--anytime, anywhere. It’s social giving made simple.